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  • The Story Of A Triangle - Written By "Sailaja Prakash". Once upon a time there was a Triangle. It woke up in the morning and went straight to the mirror and thought to itself. "L...
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Top 10 Food Allergies & Their Reactions

Posted by Sailaja Prakash Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Article Source : Times Of India.

Nutritionist Namisha Shukla say food allergies are common. Allergies take place because of an immune system dysfunction. It's a reaction to food protein. She lists the top ten foods that cause allergies.

1) Milk:

Allergy towards milk usually occurs in children, but they grow out of it by the time they are three years old. This occurs when your body does not produce lactase, an enzyme required to digest the predominant sugar in milk. Avoid milk, yogurt, butter, cheese and cream if you are lactose intolerant.

2) Wheat:

Wheat has proteins that may cause your immune system to react. Some people have a digestive reaction to a sticky substance called gluten in wheat protein. Not everybody who has gluten intolerance is allergic to wheat. Symptoms include cramps, nausea and vomiting.

3) Shellfish:

Shellfish includes clams, lobster and shrimp. Some people are allergic to only one type of shellfish and can eat others. Symptoms include swelling, wheezing, nasal congestion, trouble breathing, abdominal pain, nausea and dizziness.

4) Egg:

Symptoms of an egg allergy range from skin rashes and hives to vomiting and inflamed nasal passages. Both egg yolk and egg white contain a number of proteins that can cause allergies. However, it is more common for people to be allergic to egg white.

5) Chocolate:

How can anybody be allergic to chocolate, you say? Unfortunately, it's not uncommon. "Chocolate contains cocoa powder that some people are allergic to. Other products that contain cocoa should also be avoided," says Shukla.

6) Soya Bean:

Soy allergy is as common among children as it is in adults. But most children grow out of it by the age of three. Symptoms include tingling in the mouth, hives, itching, swelling, wheezing, a runny nose or trouble breathing. Abdominal pain, diarrhea and nausea are also common.

7) Pineapples:

Shukla says pineapples can cause minor allergic reactions in some people. "A throat infection and swelling in the body are common symptoms," she says.

8) Lemon:

Dr FI Mehta, an allergy specialist, says lemon can cause an allergic reaction if your body has a high acid content.

9) Peanuts:

Children are usually more allergic to peanuts than adults. Skin reactions and digestive and respiratory problems are common symptoms. If you are allergic to peanuts, one extra precaution you must take is avoiding chocolates with peanuts.

10) Other Nuts:

This includes mainly dry fruits like cashew nuts and almonds. "Nut allergies occur mainly, if not exclusively, in children," says Shukla. Avoid oils derived from nuts as well.


Your lifestyle can also cause allergies. A healthy lifestyle will make your immune system stronger and reduce your chances of becoming susceptible.


Delectable (adj) [di-lek-tuh-buhl]

Meaning = Extremely pleasing to the sense of taste.

Nutritionist (n) [Noo-trish-uh-nist]

Meaning = A specialist in the study of nutrition.

Dysfunction (n) [dis-fuhngk-shuh n]

Meaning= Malfunctioning, as of an organ or structure of the body.

Lactase (n) [lak-teys]

Meaning = An enzyme capable of hydrolyzing lactose into glucose and galactose.

Cramp (n) [Kramp] తిమిరివాయువు

Meaning = A sudden, involuntary, spasmodic contraction of a muscle or group of muscle, esp. of the extremities, sometimes with a severe pain.

Gluten (n) = బంక

Meaning = A protein substance that remains when starch is removed from cereal grains; gives cohesiveness to dough.

Congestion (n) [Kuhn-jes-chuhn]

Meaning = a) Excessive accumulation of blood or other fluid in a body part.
b) Overcrowding; clogging: severe traffic congestion.
Ex: Nasal congestion.

Wheez (v) [hweez, weez] [Wheezing, Wheezed] = గుర్రుగుర్రుమనిశ్వాసము విడుచుట

Meaning = a) To breathe with difficulty and with a whistling sound.

Neusea (n) [naw-zee-uh] = వాంతి వచ్చేటట్టు వుండడము

Dizziness (n) = తలతిప్పడము, కండ్లు తిరగడము .

Meaning = A reeling sensation; a feeling that you are about to fall; giddy.

Hives (n) [hyvz]

Meaning = An itchy skin eruption characterized be weals with pale interiors and well-defined red margins; usually the result of an allergic response to insect bites or food or drugs.

Tingling (adj) [tingguling]

Meaning = Exciting by touching lightly so as to cause laughter or twitching movements.

Susceptible (adj) [suh-sep-tuh-buhl]

Meaning = Admitting or capable of some specified treatment.

Ex: Susceptible to cold.


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